The joint IAF AGM – NAFA Meet will be the week of Sunday, Nov. 19, 2023 with the final night banquet on Friday, Nov. 24th....
Our organization is dedicated to the preservation of the ancient art of falconry, a hunting tradition defined as ‘taking quarry in its natural state and habitat by means of trained birds of prey‘. Preserving falconry involves maintaining not only the traditional culture that builds practical skills of empathy with animals, but also the conservation of raptors and their prey through Preservation Of Natural Habitats. We therefore encourage falconry within the context of sustainable use of wildlife.
IAF is an accredited NGO providing advisory services to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee (NGO-90006) and an accredited member of IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature.

IAF Welfare Course for Raptors used in Falconry 2022
Falconers hunt prey with their birds in its natural state and habitat and have strong views on the welfare of their hawks. Only a bird...

Role of Falconers & Local Communities in Conservation & Sustainability
Joint CEM-SUME – IAF Conference held in Cape Town, South Africa, 24 – 26 June 2023 The IUCN Commission for Ecosystem Management (CEM) Sustainable Use...
The IAF is an international federation of falconry organisations.
Membership (hereafter, ‘Member Organisations, ‘Associate Member Organisations’ or ‘Corresponding Member Organisation’) is limited to organisations representing falconry possessing legal personality, such as a formal constitution and membership structure, according to the laws and practices of their country, and to Supporting organisations which are not traditional types of falconry clubs or associations (hereafter, ‘Supporting Organisation’).
To be accepted as member, the proposal must fulfil the requirements and be approved at the annual IAF AGM.
Subscription by individuals is not membership and is open to individuals.
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